Taste of Cincinnati All Winter Long by the #s

By Rich Walburg

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The City of Cincinnati, in partnership with the Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber Foundation, funded grants for the Taste of Cincinnati All Winter Long program. The initiative and the grants were designed to stimulate and sustain the City’s restaurant economy and retain jobs in the service industry through the early months of 2021.

  • 4 million – the amount the City of Cincinnati supplied for Taste of Cincinnati All Winter Long grants.

  • 272 – number of restaurants and bars in the City that received Taste of Cincinnati All Winter Long grants.

  • 17,000 – the dollar amount received by full-service restaurants.

  • 8,500 – the dollar amount received by bars and limited-service restaurants

  • 240 billion – the dollar amount, estimated by the National Restaurant Association, that industry sales fell by in 2020

  • 110,000 – the number of restaurants and bars the National Restaurant Association estimates closed temporarily or for good in 2020.

  • 16 – the average number of years in business of those restaurants that closed for good in 2020.

  • 32 – the average number of employees of those restaurants that closed for good in 2020.

  • 2.5 million – the number of jobs the restaurant and bar sector lost in 2020, according to the National Restaurant Association.

  • 40 – the percentage of Black-owned businesses that have closed since the beginning of the pandemic, according to the National Bureau of Economic Research.

  • 60 – the percentage of adults who say restaurants are an essential part of their lifestyle.


All Taste of Cincinnati All Winter Long participants are offering special dishes or discounts on food, drinks, and gift cards. Visit TasteofCincinnati.com and support our local restaurants and bars.


A Taste of Success for Struggling Restaurants


ArtsWave Grants by the #s