4 More: Justin Brookhart

As part of our year-end issue, we are revisiting some of our favorite Cincinnati People from 2022.

We checked in with Justin Brookhart, executive director of BLINK.

What’s been the biggest surprise to you in 2022?

How many amazing people I've met! Cincinnati is full of talented and hardworking people and I'm surprised by how many of them I've gotten to know in the 10+ months I've lived here. 

What’s changed since we last spoke?

BLINK 2022 is behind us and was an amazing success! We are excited to take all we learned this year and work to bring it back even better in 2024

What have you learned about our community this year?

How passionate they are about celebrating what is unique about this region. There is so much enthusiasm for things that make this community unique and I've learned that no matter how big or small those things are, there are people willing to work how and passionately to honor and preserve them. 

What are you most looking forward to in 2023?

Settling into the Cincinnati region more. This year has been a lot about transitions for me and I hope 2023 brings more comfort and continuity.

Take a look back at BLINK and its impact in one community.


Seeing Things


4 More: Jayne Utter