Peace Offering

If You Go

SOS ART 2022

Opens Friday, June 24, 6–9 p.m.
Art Academy of Cincinnati
1212 Jackson St.
McClure Gallery, Pearlman Gallery,
Chidlaw Gallery and Site 1212

Evening include potluck reception, artists’ remarks, and music from Lastboppers.

Gallery open Monday to Sunday,
9 a.m. – 9 p.m.

More at

More than 150 Greater Cincinnati artists will participate in this year’s SOS ART event at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. The exhibit also includes miniprints on peace and justice by more than 40 artists from all over the USA.

Now in its twentieth year, SOS ART presents art and programs that offer creative expressions for peace and justice.

Organizer and founder, Saad Ghosn of the University of Cincinnati, and other board members of SOS ART, have coordinated the art – paintings, sculptures, photographs, prints, installations, videos, dance performances – around current issues of peace and justice.

“I view art as a reflection of the artist in his entirety and, therefore, not only ‘for the sake of Art’ but primarily ‘for the sake of the Artist,’ ‘for the sake of the Artist’s Life’ and “‘or the sake of Life’ in general,” Ghosn said in a statement.

A native of Lebanon, Ghosn has lived in Cincinnati since 1985. A retired medical professional and educator, a Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of Cincinnati. Along with founding SOS (Save Our Souls) ART, he is also the editor and publisher of the yearly For a Better World, Poems and Drawings on Peace and Justice by Greater Cincinnati Artists, and the author of Greater Cincinnati Artists as Activists, featuring 50 local artists, released in 2015.

SOS ART 2022 offers a community view on the sociopolitical world. Works by local artists make powerful and diverse statements in support of justice and peace locally, nationally and worldwide.

“Art is potent and motivating; it can inform and challenge; it can lead the viewer into thinking and into action,” said Ghosn. “In this respect I strongly believe in ‘Art as Activism’ and in art as a potent tool for effecting a change toward a better world.”


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