La Vie en Rose

Can’t wait to hop that Aug. 2 direct flight to Paris from CVG? A visit to the Cincinnati Art Museum will help tide you over until you can make it to France.

Among the museum’s world-class collection of European paintings you’ll find 19th-century French landscape paintings by Corot, Courbet, and Daubigny. From coastal scenes to sylvan settings, these works will transport you to the French countryside. You’ll be ready to grab a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine and step inside one of the frames. You’ll also find more a modern forest by a certain Dutch painter who loved France!

You’re on a streak on Duolingo! Tres bien!

Put all that hard work to the test at the Mercantile Library. and explore their French collection.

Though many of their books about France are in English, Librarian Cedric Rose discovered Paris and Environs in the stacks, written in both languages. So you can try out your translation skills as well as explore French history and geography.

When you’re ready to enjoy a glass of wine after all that hard work, the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra has you covered! Now through Aug. 4, the CSO’s concert of Debussy’s La Mer, conducted by Louis Langrée, is being rebroadcasted via CSO Replay.

Whether you are commemorating Bastille Day or simply want to take a culture trip, a visit to France is closer than you think.


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