Live and Let Pie

More than 200 volunteers joined the staff of Meals on Wheels Southwest OH & Northern KY to box and distribute 2,000 pies on Saturday, Nov. 20 as part of the Bust a Crust! fundraiser.

To date, Bust a Crust! has raised a record $171,000 through the sales of pies and and corporate support. That funding will provide 6,840 meals and care for area seniors for one week.

In its second year, the Bust A Crust! fundraiser for Meals on Wheels offered Thanksgiving pies for sale from local bakers and bakeries to support seniors. Fifteen area companies purchased pies in bulk and more than 300 volunteers helped Bust A Crust! succeed by volunteering time at the event’s PieK race in September and Saturday’s pie distribution event at Xavier University.

If you ordered a pie and were unable to pick-up your pie on Saturday, pies can be picked up from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Nov. 22 and 23 at the Meals on Wheels headquarters, 2091 Radcliff Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45204. Pies not picked-up will be donated seniors.

For more information about Bust a Crust!, visit


Merry and Bright


Home of the Brave