Lost Without You

In the US, 10 million pets go missing annually, never returning home.

But ZuluTails.com, with technology developed by Patrick Sledz, a Cincinnati entrepreneur, quickly reunites lost pets with their owners. His business partner, Pamela Fusco, is a U.S. Navy veteran, cryptologist, and internationally known cyber security expert.

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Traditional pet management devices such as microchips and GPS trackers can be invasive, are dependent on access to scanners, have limited proximities, are prone to hardware failures, often require users to download additional applications, incur service fees, and exhaust precious time when a pet is missing. ZuluTails combines its Universal Pet Identifier (UPI) TM technology with leading integrations to reunite lost pets quickly, securely, and efficiently with their families.

With ZuluTails pet owners and pet finders simply access the ZuluTails.com portal to protect their pets while ensuring the confidentiality of their personal and private data. ZuluTails safeguards pet finders by immediately providing a profile of the pet they have found, which includes the pet’s demeanor, picture, health details, and other characteristics that assist in caring for and managing the successful reunion with pet owners.

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To create an account and register for a pet membership(s), visit www.zulutails.com. The cost of annual membership begins at $19.99 for the first pet with bundling options for additional pets.


A Summer Song


That's a Stretch