Pick Your Battles

If you think a potluck should be more competitive, Food Fight 513 might be just what you’re looking for.

If You Go

Food Fight 513
Monday. Feb. 20, 6–11 p.m.
TQL Stadium, Medpace Tunnel Club

Free parking for all who attend. Kids 10 and under get in free.

Tickets are $10 cash at the door. Proceeds from the door will go to The LEE Initiative.

This event – part potluck, part cooking contest –brings together some of the best chefs in region. But the fun isn’t limited to the pros!

You want to be judge? Put your name in the pot. You want to fight? Put your name in the same pot. The trick – It’s the same pot.

So don’t bring a dish if you aren’t ready to play.

But everyone attending the event is encouraged to bring a dish, whether it’s a family fave casserole or a box of coneys you picked up on the way over – just be sure to have a sign explaining what it is.

Cocktailoligist Molly Wellmann will be stirring things up at a casheless bar with DJ Mowgli shaking the tunes. Adopt-a-Pit and other non-profits will have raffle baskets and Cincy Sharp will be sharpening knives on site.


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