Goat For It

It’s spring!


Kind of.

Just go with it, ok?

Bockfest, Cincinnati’s annual celebration of Spring, Over-the-Rhine's brewing heritage, and bock beer, begins tomorrow, with the parade and the opening of Bockfest Hall. The revelry continues through Sunday. With so much to do, and so many goats, how to you make the most of the weekend? Check out our top 5 tips for enjoying Bockfest.

Longtime Bockfest enthusiast (and event coordinator) Aaron Sharpe has some critical advice as well. (That’s him on the left!)

Do NOT miss the parade. While there is plenty happening all weekend long at Bockfest, the parade is the highlight.

Wear a costume. Doesn’t matter what it is, but everything about Bockfest is more fun in full costume.

Don’t sleep on Sunday. Weather will be beautiful, Hot Magnolias will be playing, and one of the most entertaining Bockfest activities, the .05K takes place on Sunday.

Take a brewery tour. It’ll truly be one of the most interesting experiences you can have in Cincinnati.

Drink lots of water and pay attention to the ABV’s of the bock beers you’re drinking. They’ll add up quick!

Admission to the parade and Bockfest Hall, HQ for bock beer, music, and entertainment, is free all weekend long.

​Bockfest Hall, at Findlay Playground, 1811 Vine Street, and the adjacent outside spaces around the Brewery District will host a number of popular traditions including

  • Bockfest Parade, Friday, March 3, 6 p.m.
    Steps off from Arnold’s Bar & Grill, 210 East Eighth Street

  • Bockfest Hall Opening Hours, Friday, March 3, 6 p.m.,
    1811 Vine Street
    Opens on Saturday at 11 a.m. and Sunday at noon

  • Bockfest 5K, Saturday, March 4, 10 a.m.,
    Starts from Bockfest Hall, 1811 Vine Street.

  • Bockfest Brewing Heritage Trail Tours and Historical Programming
    Saturday, March 4 and Sunday, March 5

  • Bockfest Beer Games
    Saturday March 4 and Sunday, March 5

Sales for all ticketed events and packages are available now at www.Bockfest.com.


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