School's in Session

Attention, students!

Bigger Than Sneakers
2643 Erie Ave.

Bigger Than Sneakers Academy is in session!

BTS Academy is a FREE two week summer program that connects area youth to leaders in the fashion merchandising and footwear industries. These connections are enhanced with hands-on activities that foster their creativity and entrepreneurial aspirations.

Though the summer session is full, BTS works with youth in the community throughout the year.

This program also serves to create a cohort of upcoming 10th–12th grade students to promote youth empowerment and workforce development. BTS works with a number of community partners offering great opportunities to students.

“In addition to accessing mentors, workshops, and activities at BTS Academy, receives a FREE iPad loaded with state-of-the-art technology to use during the program and beyond,” a BTS spokesperson explained. “We'll also be awarding stipends to top students in the program, which can be used toward higher education or for students to start their own brands.”


Bursting with Pride


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