Bounce Back with Healthy Alternatives

by Isaac Hamlin
Founder, Better Blend Nutrition

Isaac Hamlin, Better Blend Nutrition

Isaac Hamlin, Better Blend Nutrition

COVID-19 reared its ugly head more than 365 days ago, disrupting the lives of billions of people. Since March 2020 just staying afloat has caused all of us stress and anxiety.

The kids have to be homeschooled on Zoom eight hours a day, you can only make necessary trips to the store, and you need to limit your contact with people outside your home. These are the things all of us have had to live with for an entire year. With all of these things on your plate, it’s easy to develop unhealthy habits.

In between online classes, keeping friendships intact, and staying sane, when do you have time to invest in your health? The answer is easier than you think! Better Blend is here to off a few ways to bring healthier options into your daily life.  

Some simple, easy ways to boost your health and wellness:

  • Grab fruits and protein sources as a snack rather than sugary candy bars that leave you sluggish

    When adding fruits to your diet, berries are an essential ingredient  Blueberries are low in calories, high in nutrients, and are packed with antioxidants.

    What is an antioxidant? In simple terms, antioxidants aid in fighting off things called “free-radicals” within the body, which can lead to a number of diseases. Sounds awesome, right?! The little blueberries help create a shield in your body to protect you! Adding blueberries to your diet as a quick pick-me-up not only tastes great, but also aids in reducing stress and the risk for many chronic illnesses plus they give you a natural boost of energy.

  • Add probiotic powders to your diet
    If you want to take your health and wellness one step further, consider adding a probiotic. Probiotics, when used regularly, help fight bad bacteria that threaten your immune system. In a world where COVID-19 has affected the so many, who couldn’t use probiotic boost to the immune system.

  • Add collagen peptides into your daily routine

    Collagen is a key ingredient in maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails. In addition collagen is also the protein that is most abundant within our bodies. Adding even a small amount into your smoothies, yogurt, and even baked goods can have a healthy long-term effect. 

If you’re not a fan of fruit by itself, consider adding blueberries and other fruits in a blender, along with probiotic powders and collagen, to create a smoothie.

Simple Smoothie

  • Grab a blender

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries 

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries

  • 6 oz of milk or nut milk (we LOVE cashew milk!)

  • Protein powder (amount can vary based on lifestyle and dietary preferences)

  • A small amount of honey

  • A few cups of ice

You’ve got yourself a delicious fruit smoothie and a healthy alternative for a meal on-the-go!

Invest in yourself—your future self will thank you!

Founded by Isaac Hamlin in 2018, Better Blend Nutrition was created with the goal to make the world a happier, healthier place. The shop is located at 8181 Mall Road, in Florence. Find more information at

As a former University of Kentucky rugby player, Isaac knew how hard it was to find quality fuel that wouldn't weigh him down, bust his diet, and still tasted good. This led him to formulate protein-packed, vitamin-rich meal replacements that both tasted good and delivered results.


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