The Fan Experience

“There’s no daily routine, right? There’s always something different.”

Creativity, connection and a little bit of fun – those are just a few of the words FC Cincinnati’s Fan Experience Manager, Hannah Siefert could use to sum up work.

Siefert explains that the fan experience includes everything from the food and drinks you enjoy at the game to the FCC gear you buy and wear around town, but it’s so much more. She also points out that there are so many individuals at FCC who create the fan experience.

My goal is to make sure every fan has a great time when they’re in the stadium.
— Hannah Siefert

To her the “fun” part comes in when she gets to interact with the fans.

“Washington Park is our pre-match activation space so, I plan that out with my coordinator to get family friendly things, a band for adults, inflatables for kids,” Siefert says. “So, we really try to make it a fun atmosphere so they know they’re coming down for that and then we transition that to inside the stadium.”

Inside the stadium, Siefert and her team bring the National Anthem, halftime fun, and more.

“I absolutely love making a fan’s day and making memories for people. That’s why I do what I do. When I worked in baseball, it was giving a fan a foul ball to a kid or getting something signed by one of our players,” she says.

“Here, it’s seeing all the fans cheer and get really excited when someone scores a goal or at Washington Park and I see kids running around with their faces painted…it’s just, making those memories someone will have for the rest of their life, it’s awesome.”

In 2019, FCC partnered with the eMLS or Major League Soccer Esports to compete in the FIFA video game series.

The club signed Cisse Diop two years later to represent them and it took off from there.

“It’s such a globally recognized sport. And it is a sport! Gaming is recognized as much as soccer, football.. so, it’s really nice to be involved in that community.”

The 50th anniversary of Title IX was celebrated this summer; a massive boost for women in sports.

“I definitely feel like it’s a lot better than it used to be. I grew up with people telling me ‘Oh, it’s gonna be tough. You have to know X,Y & Z..’ ..My boyfriend can give me the starting pitcher of the August 23rd game in 2002. I never in my life could give those kind of stats but that doesn’t mean I don’t know sports, it doesn’t mean I can’t work in sports. I have my own passions and my own things I bring to the table,” says Siefert.

She praises her former employer, The Florence Y’alls and current employer, FCC.

“I’ve never felt like my opinion didn’t matter, I’ve always felt empowered to be me and be myself,” says Siefert. “I really feel like we’re moving in the right direction and I hope it continues to get better, that women don’t even have that inkling or fear in the future.”


At the Forefront


Title IX at 50: What’s been done, what’s left to accomplish