Goetta Load of This
The Masked Singer Season 5 premiered Wednesday, and fans are already squealing about who they think is in the Piglet costume. None other than our own Nick Lachey is thought to be the porcine competitor.
The Masked Singer Season 5 premiered Wednesday, and fans are already squealing about who they think is in the Piglet costume. None other than our own Nick Lachey is thought to be the porcine competiror.
A Reddit thread took a deep dive on the clues about Piglet’s identity, with hints pointing to Cincinnati, you know “Porkopolis.” "That’s Nick Lachey for sure [laughing out loud]," one person commented. A different user pointed out that the German-inspired costume worn by the Piglet could be representative of the “strong German roots of Cincy proudly represented with traditions like goetta, the OktoberFest, etc.”
Time will tell, but in the meantime you can go whole hog watching The Masked Singer on Fox 19 on Wednesdays at 8 p.m.
Not So Epic Fail
On the podcast Failing Forward, Frisch’s president and CEO Jason Vaughn talks with host Sarah Brownabout modernizing the restaurant by honoring, but not necessarily following, the past.
On the podcast Failing Forward, Frisch’s president and CEO Jason Vaughn talks with host Sarah Brown about modernizing the restaurant by honoring, but not necessarily following, the past.
After 25 years of working for large restaurant brands, Vaughn wanted to use what he learned to propel a smaller brand. That led him to Frisch’s Big Boy, one of Cincinnati’s most beloved restaurants. But instead of using Frisch’s rich legacy as a guiding force, Jason has worked to make it a grounding force.
On this episode, the Frisch’s president and CEO Jason Vaughn shares leadership lessons he’s learned during his career, including why his employees are more important than he is and how to foster green light thinking.
ArtsWave launches new Arts4Wellness series
The 2021 ArtsWave Campaign launches Art4Wellness, a new arts and health event series .
As part of the 2021 ArtsWave Campaign – the primary way local arts are funded in the Cincinnati region – a new arts and health event series is being launched. Arts4Wellness is a set of 12 monthly events that are designed to use the arts to keep Cincinnatians healthy and hopeful throughout 2021.
The first event, Artful Mindfulness and the Enneagram, takes place March 6 at 10 a.m. with Game Day Communications CEO Jackie Reau interviewing Corporate Consciousness CEO Deni Tato in her home. Tato, a former board member for the Contemporary Arts Center and Cincinnati Ballet, will be surrounded by her personal art collection as she discusses both the meaning and relevance of the enneagram during the prolonged period of the pandemic and its accompanying stress. Guests will be able to ask Tato questions about their enneagram profile which can be taken beforehand through Truity. The program can be accessed for $15 or attendees are encouraged to donate $75+ for a year-long ArtsWave Pass to get access to this program and the entire arts and health series at no cost, along with arts, merchandise and dining exclusives from regional community partners.
Here is the line-up of the first three of the 12 monthly Arts4Wellness programs:
March 6, 10 a.m. – Artful Mindfulness and the Enneagram
Explore your personality through the Enneagram! Game Day Communications CEO Jackie Reau moderates a conversation with Corporate Consciousness CEO Deni Tato, previous board member of Contemporary Arts Center and Cincinnati Ballet. Surrounded by her personal art collection, Deni will explain the nine Enneagram personality types and how Artful Mindfulness can help all nine. Take your own Enneagram test at Truity.com and come prepared to have your questions answered.
March 25, 7 p.m. – The Art of Training for a 5K
Learn how to train for a 5K through four uniquely artful 3.1-mile courses designed by the Flying Pig Marathon Executive Director Iris Simpson-Bush in this session hosted by WLWT Anchor & Reporter Megan Mitchell. Each course will take you on an artistic tour of a different part of our community, past public art, historical and architectural wonders. Also, get your run on while listening to a playlist filled with Cincinnati-based music and musicians.
2021 ArtsWave Campaign Chair and HORAN President and CEO Terry Horan sees this year’s reimagined ArtsWave Pass and its new addition of an Arts4Wellness series as “a relevant and much needed way to use the arts on a personal level to stay healthy, mentally and physically. This series shows how the arts can both ground and uplift us.” ArtsWave President & CEO Alecia Kintner adds that “in this unique year, the arts are essential for our own personal wellbeing as well as our region’s overall health. With the help of the community, this year’s funding will assist in jumpstarting the Cincinnati region.
For more information on the new health and wellness series, please go to ArtsWave.org/Arts4Wellness.
Jeff Ruby’s Most Popular Offer is Back - $99 Filet Mignon and Lobster for Two
Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse, The Precinct and Carlo & Johnny are offering a specially prepared Filet Mignon and Lobster dinner, for two, at a cost of $99.
By Rich Walburg
Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse, The Precinct and Carlo & Johnny are offering a specially prepared Filet Mignon and Lobster dinner, for two, at a cost of $99. This offer is available for dine-in only, Sunday through Thursday evenings, Feb. 16-March 16.
When a couple orders this special Jeff Ruby Culinary experience, EACH guest will receive:
6 oz. Jeff Ruby Signature Filet Mignon
Petite Cold Water Lobster Tail
Freddie Salad
Mashed Potatoes
Cost is $99 per couple
This offer is available to individual guests at $49.50.
“There’s one month until spring – and this special offer is the sure cure for cabin fever,” said Britney Ruby Miller, CEO of Jeff Ruby Culinary Entertainment. “We’re pleased to offer a warm escape with our most popular special offer. This is the perfect opportunity to visit us again – or for the very first time.”
The health and safety of Jeff Ruby’s guests and team remains the company’s top priority. Reservations are required and may be made by calling the restaurant or visiting www.jeffruby.com.
Crosstown Tip-Off Challenge
Did you C the latest challenge sweeping the Queen City- the Crosstown Tip-off Challenge. University of Cincinnati and Xavier fans are challenging each other to donate big tips to local restaurants.
By: Stephanie Denzel
Did you C the latest challenge sweeping the Queen City- the Crosstown Tip-off Challenge. University of Cincinnati and Xavier fans are challenging each other to donate big tips to local restaurants.
But how did this start? How much money has been tipped? And who is winning?
The Origins
It all started at a popular burger joint in Mt. Lookout. On the afternoon of January 9, one customer at Zip’s left a $1,000 tip to his bill with this message:
“Please share this tip with all of your employees as they work so hard and are dealing with COVID. Go Xavier!”
Beyond grateful for the tip, Zip’s Mt. Lookout posted the receipt and napkin message on Facebook.
UC fans saw a kind of challenge in this kind gesture. They felt the need to reciprocate. Five days later, Keyston Bar & Grill in Clifton was left a $1,001 tip with a note:
“Earlier this week I saw a Xavier fan tip $1,000 at Zip’s. I believe now more than ever we need to support our local restaurants. Let’s see how long we can keep this going… Bearcats up by 1!!”
Just like that, the rivalry between these two schools went from the hardwood to the dinner table.

Let the Game Begin
We’ve seen three-pointers, turnovers, a helicopter dunk and radio broadcasters going crazy over this Crosstown Tip-Off Challenge. Fans on both sides of this rivalry are not only laying down the cash, they are laying down the smack talk.
Check out the creative game calls fans are leaving:

Tip-Off Challenge T-Shirts
Cincy Shirts is getting in on the challenge in their own way. The Cincinnati company is offering Crosstown Tip-Off shirts- one in UC colors, the other in Xavier. Portion of the proceeds from these shirts will benefit the Ohio Restaurant Association’s Employee Relief Fund.
The Generosity Continues
While UC and Xavier fans continue this rivalry, it’s the restaurant workers that are the winners.
At our count, more than $27,061.37 has been tipped since January 9 in this challenge.
Who knows what quarter we are in?
Or how much time we have left on the clock?
We hope this is one challenge that will go beyond the game clock.
Do you have a tip to contribute to this story? Email us at cincinnatipeople@gmail.com.
Preparing your annual reviews? Here’s what NOT to do.
Cincinnati-based LPK, the global brand design and innovation consultancy, is opening Cans of Feedback.
By: Rich Walburg
It’s time for annual reviews. We’re not here to tell you how to coach your employees. But we CAN help with what not to do.
Cincinnati-based LPK, the global brand design and innovation consultancy, is opening Cans of Feedback. Aligning with LPK’s core value of “keeping it real,” Cans of Feedback offer cheekily named, fully designed cans that illustrate the various types of horrible and non-perishable feedback.
LPK’s Cans of Feedback include these types of poor feedback:
Dear John – steeped in sympathy and sorrow.
The Ghost – containing zero feedback…marinating in chilly silence.
Leap Frog – small batch feedback direct to your manager’s inbox.
Mind F*ck – open ended with hints of something ominous. Great before weekends and vacations.
The Moth – spirals slowly around the point.

“Delivering feedback is difficult and that’s why it’s often done badly,” said Nathan Hendricks, LPK’s chief creative officer and the mildly dented mind behind Cans of Feedback. “By collecting, condensing and canning the various methods of feedback, we can learn to give more valuable feedback and receive it with better understanding.”
Jingle Juice: 12 Days of Cocktails
Looking for a way to spice up your time at home over the holidays? Try one of our Jingle Juices with our friend and bartender Tanya Busby from Game Day. Countdown to Christmas as Tanya shows you how to make a new cocktail for the 12 days for Christmas. Check back for new drinks and recipes.
Looking for a way to spice up your time at home over the holidays? Try one of our Jingle Juices with our friend and bartender Tanya Busby from Game Day. Countdown to Christmas as Tanya shows you how to make a new cocktail for the 12 days for Christmas. Check back for new drinks and recipes.
St. Nickarita:
-1.5oz tequila
-1/2 oz cranberry juice
-1oz triple sec
-1oz club soda
-1oz lime juice
-garnish with cranberries and lime wedge
Not your Grandma’s Apple Pie:
-1.5oz whiskey or fireball
-1.5oz vanilla vodka
-5oz apple cider
-sugar rim, dash of cinnamon
The Grinch:
-1.5oz Midori or melon liqueur
-1oz clear rum or triple sec
-5oz lemon-lime soda
-1 maraschino cherry
Mistletoe Kiss:
-2oz vodka
-1oz lemon juice
-2oz simple syrup
-club soda
-handful of cranberries and 2 sprigs on rosemary
Egg Nogtini:
-2.5oz egg nog
-1oz vanilla vodka
-1oz amaretto
-caramel syrup drizzle
-brown sugar and cinnamon stick garnish
Peppermint White Russian:
-2oz vodka
-1.5oz kahlua
-1.5oz peppermint schnapps
-1.5oz heavy cream or irish cream
-rimmed with crushed peppermint, garnish with candy cane
Rudolph Spritzer:
-1.5oz vodka
-2 oz cranberry juice
-2 oz orange juice
-2oz ginger ale or cherry 7up
-splash lemon juice, maraschino cherry juice
-garnish with maraschino cherry
Butter Beer:
-1oz butterscotch schnapps
-1oz vanilla vodka
-6oz cream soda
-topped with whipped cream and caramel drizzle
Pomegranate Mule:
-2oz vodka
-1/2 cup ginger beer
-1Tbsp lime juice
-dash of pink himalayan salt
-1/4 cup pomegranate juice
-garnish with mint leaf, sugar coated pomegranate or cranberries
Jack Frosty:
-2oz vodka
-1.5oz blue curacao
-champagne -blend with ice
-sugar rim
Hot Toddy:
-1.5oz whiskey/dark rum
-6oz hot water or tea
-2tsp honey
-2tsp lemon juice
-garnish with cinnamon stick
Cranberry Mimosa:
-4oz champagne
-1/2 lime squeezed
-2oz cranberry juice
-3-5 cranberries
Quarantine Cocktails with Tanya Busby
Looking for a way to spice up your time at home during your self-quarantine? Try one of our Quarantine Cocktails with our friend and bartender Tanya Busby from Game Day. Each day, Tanya will show you how to make a new cocktail. Check back for new drinks and recipes.
Looking for a way to spice up your time at home during your self-quarantine? Try one of our Quarantine Cocktails with our friend and bartender Tanya Busby from Game Day. Each day, Tanya will show you how to make a new cocktail. Check back for new drinks and recipes.
3oz vodka or gin
3/4 oz citrus juice (I used lime)
1/2 oz simple syrup
Shake on ice, strain into cocktail glass
Garnish with orange or cherry
Crown Apple Mule
Featured at Yard House
1 1/2 oz Crown Royal Regal Apple Whiskey
Fill with ginger beer
2-3 lime wedges
(Bottomless) Mimosas
Featured at Taste of Belgium
Glass of champagne
1-2 oz orange juice
Fruit garnish
Big Red Machine
Recipe (Tin Roof special/Opening Day celebration):
1 1/2 oz raspberry (or any berry flavor) vodka
Splash grenadine
Recipe (Ruth's Chris Steak House/ International Whisky Day):
1 oz Whiskey
1/2 oz dry or sweet vermouth
Dash of bitters
Garnish with a cherry
Recipe (Featured at Galla Park):
1 1/4 oz Vodka
1/2 oz Triple Sec
2 oz Cranberry juice
A few drops of lemon or lime juice (optional)
Bloody Mary
Recipe (Featured at Moerlein Lager House):
1 1/2 oz vodka
Your favorite Bloody Mary mix
Splash Worcestershire
Pinch black pepper
Pinch celery salt
Tabasco to your liking
Garnish with olive, bacon, celery, lemon, whatever you like
Magic Coffee
10 oz coffee
1oz Kahlua
1oz Irish cream
1oz Amaretto
Recipe (Featured at Condado Tacos):
2oz Tequila
1oz Triple sec
Half a lime
Add sweet-n-sour or simple syrup if preferred
White Claw Wave
Recipe (Featured at Fishbowl at The Banks):
2oz vodka
Fill with lemonade half way
Dump raspberry White Claw in top
1oz grenadine
Cincy Street Tea
Recipe (Featured at The Stretch):
1/2 oz each of Vodka, Gin, Rum, Triple Sec and Tequila
Fill most of the way with sour mix
Top with Coke or Pepsi
Cincinnati Beer
Tanya Busby teaches how to properly pour a beer featuring Cincinnati's Rhinegeist Cheetah.