Light Year

Cincinnati’s Jewish community is inviting the city to celebrate the Festival of Lights.

Hanukkah on the Square
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 6 p.m.

Fountain Square
Fifth and Vine Streets

Details at

“The message of Hanukkah is the message of light,” said Rabbi Yosef Kalmanson of Chabad of Southern Ohio. “The nature of light is that it is always victorious over darkness. A small amount of light dispels a lot of darkness. Another act of goodness and kindness, another act of light, can make all the difference.”

Though the official Hanukkah at Fountain Square event is sold out, guests are still welcome to come to Fountain Square and enjoy the light show and lighting of the menorah.

The evening also includes ice skating, bumper cars, and more on Fountain Square. 

“With public celebrations in the area, Jewish children get to grow up with pride in their Jewish heritage and a feeling of equality and
self-confidence as Americans,” said Rabbi Kalmanson.

Rabbi Kalmanson was instrumental in fighting for the display of a menorah on Fountain Square, which began in 1985.

“For many years it was challenged in court, but still appeared on the Square,” said Rabbi Kalmanson. “Chabad also lit the Menorah in City Hall and the Mayor's office starting in the late ‘80s.

Hanukkah on the Square is is presented by the Mayerson JCC in partnership with Jewish Federation of Cincinnati and Chabad of Southern Ohio.

“The Menorah serves as a symbol of Cincinnati's dedication to
preserving and encouraging the right and liberty of all its citizens
to worship God freely, openly, and with pride,” said Rabbi Kalmanson. “This is especially true in the United States, a nation that was founded upon and vigorously protects the right of every person to practice his or her religion free from restraint and persecution.”


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