4 More: Jennifer Steele

As part of our year-end issue, we are revisiting some of our favorite Cincinnati People from 2022.

We checked in with Jennifer Steele, CEO of Meals on Wheels Southwest OH & Northern KY.

Check out an interview with Jennifer, below.

What’s been the biggest surprise to you in 2022?

 I was continually surprised by the pure goodness of others in 2022. In spite of so many challenges, I was still brought to tears more than once by just how thoughtful and kind people can be. People stepped up to help in the most amazing ways: rushing to our aid when catalytic converters were stolen from vehicles we use to take seniors to critical medical appointments, giving to seniors on fixed incomes even as inflation hit their own families hard, giving of their time when they had so little for themselves. It has been truly inspiring to witness. I wish that everyone could see what I get to see each day – there is just so much good in this world, so much reason for hope.

What’s changed since we last spoke?

The biggest change for Meals on Wheels has also been the most recent! We announced a merger with 55 North this month, which will improve services for more than 11,000 area seniors. Combining the resources of two forward-thinking organizations will help us increase the quality of life of the seniors in the communities we serve.

What have you learned about our community this year?

I like to think that when we merged with Cincinnati Area Senior Services last year we kicked off a trend in nonprofit mergers and combinations in our region. I’ve learned that we are a community of leaders, donors, volunteers, and supporters willing to do whatever it takes to work smarter, serve more people in better ways, and to have a greater collective impact. I love that we’re closing out the year with a bang, and with another merger. Togetherness is something we care a lot about at Meals on Wheels, and it takes many forms. 

What are you looking forward to in 2023?

Growth! In 2023 we will be expanding innovative programs and services to keep seniors healthy and connected in this rapidly changing world. I’m also really looking forward to continuing to put our region on the map nationally through our research into senior hunger and loneliness, and to rolling out an equity-based innovation roadmap that we’ve been working on for the past 18 months.  


4MORE: Tamara Harkavy


Light Year